2006 Officers Elected; Induction on July 16

By Janine Castillo

Last May 13, 2006, the last general assembly presided by the outgoing 2005-2006 board was held at the Contra Costa Water District Bldg. in Concord. The agenda mainly covered the treasurer’s report, the elections of the new officers as well as the on-coming visit of UP President Dr. Emer Roman. Old issues were also discussed such as the UPAANC Berkeley-Museo assets, professorial chairs update, the website and the by-laws amendment.

The elections ushered in a new set of officers to go along with some re-elected officers. Re-elected were Romi Beza as president, Alexis Zulueta as first vice president and Henri Boyd as secretary. The new officers are Frank Batara as second vice president, Ike Tiongson as auditor, Janine Castillo as secretary and Rose Ramos as assistant secretary. Joe Aliling is retained as parliamentarian since he is still the association’s immediate past president.  The assembly initially set the induction ceremonies for mid-June but this was moved to Sunday July 16 to coincide with the upcoming visit of UP President Dr. Emer Roman.    The event will be held at the Oakhurst Country Club in Clayton starting 4PM.

The meeting was brief and concise. All those present had an opportunity to voice out their opinions about the issues being discussed.  Now, as we all anticipate a new year ahead of us, let us take the time to reflect once again on this organization of ours, the UPAANC Berkeley chapter.  Let us ask ourselves what direction we can steer this association towards, what new projects we can work on to enhance the purpose and meaning of this organization and certainly what each and everyone of us can contribute, large or small, to help actualize our hopes and ambitions for our chapter.  As mentioned, the very first event this year is the induction of the new officers to be presided by Dr. Roman.   Just the mere attendance of this event will certainly help infuse the kind of enthusiasm and spirit that we all wish upon the UPAA.  We all look forward to seeing each and everyone of you there!

Author: Web Admin